And of course we had to make a joke and get him the FOOT BOOK since his foot was leaving!
God has also blessed us with another season of Coach Brian for Josh's soccer team. Now, the rest of the story.......Brian is coaching 3 teams now and he doesn't even have his son on our team anymore but he was willing to coach us for one more season IF he could have someone help him with coaching. Well, Joanne and I were DESPERATE to keep him as the boys coach for one more season so.....in a weak moment (without really thinking) we said that we would be his assistant coaches. I was thinking more in the area of helping with practice. BUT as my luck would have it our first game was yesterday and Brian coached the first half of our game and then had to go coach one of his other teams during our second half. Joanne and I did our best but we were definitely floundering. We made it through but I just checked out SOCCER FOR DUMMIES so I will have more of an idea as to what the REAL rules are. I have only watched for the last 5 years and NEVER played so I really don't have a clue as to what the specific rules are. We did end up with enough kids on the field each time and I think we did a pretty good job of subbing. Hats of to Coach Brian!!!! Coaching is a really hard job.
Let's see.......God has also blessed us with steady income during this time of economic distress. Ken's job is still strong and we are continuing to pray that it will stay that way. I will also be working more days (I just work on-call so I can be available for the kids more than a strict schedule).
God has also blessed me with amazing friends. I haven't been feeling well lately and Tammy has stepped up and helped BUNCHES with the boys and even shared her heating pad! God know who to put in my life and I am so thankful that it includes Tammy. She has also been teaching our Geology lessons and it is amazing! We are doing the Future Rockhounds of America badge program. The boys already have earned one badge and are getting ready to start on anther.
We are also blessed by planning for family vacations......We will be heading to Arizona in April - which I am counting the days down to SUN and WARMTH. Jacob on the other hand has a countdown on our fridge of the days left to go fishing. Today marks 103 days left - we don't go till July 3 but that hasn't stopped him at all in the planning of the trip. He has the tackle boxes out on the counter and his fishing poles already rigged and ready to roll!
In June, we also get to go visit my family for a reunion in SUNNY California! We might even be able to hit Six Flags for a day!
AND the boys have been taking piano (Jacob) and guitar (Josh) lessons. Each of the boys had a kid sized guitar and Josh has been using that. BUT since he is almost 12 his poor fingers have to scrunch to get the chords right. On our way home from soccer yesterday we passed a garage sale. We decided to stop, since we all LOVE to find a great deal. They had a guitar that sounds GREAT and we were able to pick it up for Josh for only $50. Talk about a blessing from Heaven! He is loving it and learning to stretch his fingers a bit more to get the chords right.
Then FINALLY, yesterday Julie called me and asked if the boys could come over. I had a meeting to go to (with my mom - who usually watches the boys if we have plans) and so did Ken so we were going to leave the boys home which makes me a bit nervous but they are old enough. Well, God just took care of my worries and the boys went to play at Dino-opolis at Julie's! THANKS FOR BEING A BLESSING, JULIE!